Monday, November 20, 2006 |
Garbage. |
This morning I woke up with a sense of true purpose for the day. I have a billion things I want to get done, from chores and errands to pleasurable goals. I need to take the dog to get groomed, pay some bills, send out my folks' mail, drop off my stepchildrens' things left behind this weekend, clean my house, bake a delectable chocolate cherry cake, mend a fence, look for a new mailbox, get a new trash can for the house, clean up the yard, make a corned beef brisket, do the laundry, read the end of my Chiam Potok novel (so I can begin reading the other two brand new books laying in wait), watch my favorite tv show (heroes), and my favorite movie (Chocolat), help the kids with their homework, AND have a nice hot bath. Holy Cow!! You might shout... really, if you look at it again, that isn't all that much. Most 'busy backsons' do twice as much in a twenty four hour period. When was the last time you listed every menial task on your to do list? You would sound really busy and overworked too... lol. I mean, half of this stuff can be done while waiting for the other half to work itself out. Oh, it is a beautiful day, the clouds are out, yes, there is moisture in the air, yes, it is very cold, yes.. a bunch of animals tore the garbage all over the road this morning, true, and where normally I would say there is soo much doom and gloom... I am thinking, What a beautiful day. I am loved, and while the day might be outwardly gray and dismal.. there is sunshine in my soul. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 9:48 AM |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 |
alphalpha eating contest |
It has come to my attention that subconciously my sons and I have been making note of the progression of a certain llama and it's fold of puffy white sheep. They call a field near my middle son's Elementary school home. Until just recently that field has been full of lush green alphalpha, so tall only the backs and heads of these soft looking animals could be seen. My boys are, of course absolutely fascinated by these beasts, and all of their neighboring beasts as well. When we walk instead of driving, the focus is on the lone cow across the road, who has two unlikely goat fieldmates. We occasionally see a very large dog on this property, loafing indignantly in the sunlight.
Once, the feeder of the beasts asked if we'd like to pet the cow. On cue the brown wet-eyed adorable animal set its tongue out to moisten its nose. The farmer was given a very thankful and humble no thank you. We did, however, compliment his glorious three foot rooster that had every color of the rainbow reflecting and blinding us from his feathers. The chickens were equally impressive, but not as impressive (or as cute) as my husband's rendition of 'the sleeping hen'.
Today there were two llamas residing in the field, one brown, one white with large brown patches. We noted that there were a considerably larger amount of sheep aswell, one of which was very small and brown. Also, the alphalpha has turned a lime green color. The field across the road is empty. No hair nor hyde of goat nor cow could be seen. We did, however, notice the apple tree that must've been there all along.
It's interesting the clarity, the boldness of color, shape and form of the world when your right there in it.
We've collectively decided that one farmer brought his llama and its fold of sheep to visit the other, so that they might have a great alphalpha eating party. The little brown sheep is the record keeper and judge of which sheep in which fold ate the most, and which sheep in which fold digested the fasted. Because thats the way of little boys, always with the digestive system. Now it is three something in the afternoon, and the lot of us want to go discover more wonderous indigenous animals to make stories about, to you I say, adieu. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 3:21 PM |
Group Hug |
I love it when you find that people you have already decided something about turn out to be contradictive to your judgement. I've felt ousted by someone before because of preconcieved notions. Just the same, I have probably ousted others as well. I guess the proper justification is, well hell, we're only human. Though the lesson is hard one to learn, and the behavior required is also difficult to employ, treating our fellow man with kindness at the rate of wreckless abandon might save ourselves the embarrassment of unpleasant preconcieved notions. Though, true to form, it also may set us up for some disappointment, overall I think it makes for better relations and more pleasant personality.. creating a positive atmosphere for even the most indifferent apathetic man. What an idealistic notion. I believe whole heartedly that the acquisition of meaningful relationships are SO much more important than acquiring posessions. Why not look that very intimidating person in the eye and wish them a happy day? Why not smile genuinely at the darkened looking young person with blue hair and a nose piercing? Why not kindly offer your arm to the elderly person hobbling across the ice? True to form, people are people. When stripped of materialistic things, be they rags or be they riches, we are made of the same clay. Why not be kind to one another? When did life stop being about connectivity and begin being a race to the top? Why is it so important to categorize one another? So this person over here has a brand new shirt made by so and so and it costs sooo much money because so and so is a true visionary... blah blah blah... best snub nameless over there because his body is housed in threadbare clothing too large AND too small... Ironically snubbed nameless is usually true visionary's subject of inspiration. How did I come to stand on this soapbox?
It happens.
Once and awhile.
I can't help but find myself disgusted by the indifference of the human race.
Myself included. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:13 AM |
Monday, November 13, 2006 |
Blogging Boredom |
She yawns and sips her coffee. For hours she's sat at this desk, reading email, obsessively contacting her friends and family. She's bored. Her life feels reduced to near nothingness... she did the laundry, washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor. She hauled out the chicken for thawing and even prepared some dinner rolls. She played with her son, drew some pictures, made his lunch and breakfast. She tickled his tummy, watched his cartoons, made her bed and read a book. Its cold outdoors, or she would go for a walk. She wrote to her brother, offering advise on potty training, her other siblings regarding a family party, she spoke to old friends on the phone, vacuumed the living room floor. She sat on a stool in the kitchen listening to the poodle on the deck harmonizing with the sirens of a passing entourage of police cars, ambulance and firetruck. She cleaned out the fridge, emptying plastic bins of food gone bad weeks ago, washed the containers, carefully stacked and put them away. She rubbed her cold fingers together, nervously bouncing her foot, she itches her eye.. coming away with fingers blackened by mascara and eyeliner. She curses under her breath, looks at her raccoon eye in the mirror and imagines she should probably fix that. She looks through her things, finding false eyelashes, glue, components for a makeover. She washes her face, applies moisturizer, foundation, powder.. she puts the glue in a thin line on the false lefty, then dabs it onto her eyelid... she blinks, giggles, blinks again. Then to the right, she makes the same movements, blink, giggle, blink.. looook. They're crooked. Not even. The hairs on the left one are poking at a funny angle in the corner, the right is inset too far... she tears them away. Carefully replacing them on their card, she draws eyebrows, lines hairless eyelids, glosses lips. "What's the point of falsies anyway, I'm not going anywhere!" Another short ironic laugh. She wanders aimless, room to room.. silently becoming mad in her own right. Ach! This boredom! Ach! Need to do something productive...
And so she writes this blog. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 2:12 PM |
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 |
Something profound |
Haha.. Just kidding. I have nothing profound to say. Nothing at all. Just thought, today is Nov. 1. I need to blog something. So, there you go. "Something" has finally been blogged. As I recently wrote to a good friend, I have descended upon you like an inkblot from a broken pen.. Ruining your newly starched white shirt. I hope you can find it in yourself to not think of me as a sad sorry broken girl, but to find it in yourself to think nothing at all. Just change your shirt and throw away your broken pen. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 3:00 PM |