Monday, November 13, 2006 |
Blogging Boredom |
She yawns and sips her coffee. For hours she's sat at this desk, reading email, obsessively contacting her friends and family. She's bored. Her life feels reduced to near nothingness... she did the laundry, washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor. She hauled out the chicken for thawing and even prepared some dinner rolls. She played with her son, drew some pictures, made his lunch and breakfast. She tickled his tummy, watched his cartoons, made her bed and read a book. Its cold outdoors, or she would go for a walk. She wrote to her brother, offering advise on potty training, her other siblings regarding a family party, she spoke to old friends on the phone, vacuumed the living room floor. She sat on a stool in the kitchen listening to the poodle on the deck harmonizing with the sirens of a passing entourage of police cars, ambulance and firetruck. She cleaned out the fridge, emptying plastic bins of food gone bad weeks ago, washed the containers, carefully stacked and put them away. She rubbed her cold fingers together, nervously bouncing her foot, she itches her eye.. coming away with fingers blackened by mascara and eyeliner. She curses under her breath, looks at her raccoon eye in the mirror and imagines she should probably fix that. She looks through her things, finding false eyelashes, glue, components for a makeover. She washes her face, applies moisturizer, foundation, powder.. she puts the glue in a thin line on the false lefty, then dabs it onto her eyelid... she blinks, giggles, blinks again. Then to the right, she makes the same movements, blink, giggle, blink.. looook. They're crooked. Not even. The hairs on the left one are poking at a funny angle in the corner, the right is inset too far... she tears them away. Carefully replacing them on their card, she draws eyebrows, lines hairless eyelids, glosses lips. "What's the point of falsies anyway, I'm not going anywhere!" Another short ironic laugh. She wanders aimless, room to room.. silently becoming mad in her own right. Ach! This boredom! Ach! Need to do something productive...
And so she writes this blog. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 2:12 PM  |