Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |
The Grinch, Scrooge, Lie Detectors, and Judge Judy, OH MY! |
I walk my son to school everyday.. even on the frigid days. School is only a block away, and I can afford the exercise.
As I was walking home yesterday, I noticed a neighbor had put a cut-out of the Grinch and his little dog on their roof. Ever-so-Clever, they had strung some Christmas lights coming out of their chimney, into the Grinch's paws and around his little dogs 'antlers. My first impression was, "Oh, how cute." But, then I really started thinking...
Why is it human nature to focus on scandalous behavior? No, this isn't a recent revelation, this is something that has been prevalent my entire life beginning at birth. I mean, The Grinch went through a lifetime of hurt, he was teased, he was unwanted, shucked by society. It is understandable for his heart to be hard, cold, for his behavior to be ruthless. However, the point of the story was not supposed to be about his rotten behavior. The focus should be on his wonderful ascent to goodliness. You never really see cutouts of The Grinch with a loving smile on his face, his Santa suit on, GIVING to his community. In fact, when the Grinch is mentioned, it is understood that whomever he is being compared to is selfish and mean. The same goes for Scrooge. The man was awful. Really, he was. But, he becomes a great contributor. Yet, in our society to be a Scrooge is to be someone that pinches pennies and never gives back.
I was watching America's Most Wanted a few nights ago, when an advertisement came on about the latest craze in game shows..."To Tell the Truth". Contestants agree to strap themselves to a polygraph, and to speak the truth.. the catch is that they are being asked extraordinarily inappropriate questions that could potentially destroy their lives. When I saw the preview, I was disgusted. I think mostly because there are just things that are private, and should stay that way. Its like our society has an overwhelming need to see pain. To view another person in the hot seat, to wriggle about feeling uncomfortable about their own lives. Every person on the planet in one way or another, in some form or another, becomes involved in scandalous behavior. I don't see the necessity for televising it. Another great example of this would be the show about catching cheaters in the act of cheating. OK. It's wrong. It shouldn't be done. We all know this. Yet, indulging in viewing other people discovering and confronting their significant other is fascinating to a lot of people. Why is that kind of simple minded animosity something people find entertaining?
Remember when growing up meant inevitably having to deal with bullies? At some point in adulthood, is it not inevitable to have to grow up? Are we a society built up of people so insecure about the who inside themselves that stooping to certain levels is acceptable?
Right then. Having made it back to the comfort of my own home, I settle in with a cup of hot coffee and my remote control. Judge Judy is on, today she is to decide whether a woman that had been jailed for domestic violence has to pay the bail bondsman she had called to haul her out, back for having rendered service to her.. despite her having paid him with her body. I sigh. I turn off the television and mop the kitchen floor. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 7:11 AM  |
Friday, December 07, 2007 |
Random |
Lying in bed last night, words unwritten came floating to my mind. I was too tired and too sick to get up and put them on paper. I regret this. It happens to me often, when words come unbidden, and I am not wise enough to snatch their melodic verse from the colorful fuzz that is my brain.
I spent this morning sipping coffee and staring listlessly into the pouring rain. I cleaned out half the clothes from my closet to sell to a second hand store. I tore apart and remade my bed. I scrubbed paint off the white tiles of my kitchen table. I smoked and complained to my roommate, because that is what we do.
My energy is gone. I am attributing this to barometric pressure. My anti-social tendencies? Definately due to poor weather. My desire to sleep all day? Its the snow. Depression brought on by winter, darkness settles sooner, coldness uninviting.
I am not accustomed to having free reign over my own destiny, my own paradise. I read once about birds that had been raised in a cage, suddenly set free and not knowing how to make their wings fly, they wouldn't extend them fully.
Sometimes that's how I feel. Guilt ridden on days that I could have done something and didn't. Expecting someone, anyone, to be angry with me for having not lost weight, for having not cleaned the house, for having allowed the laundry and dishes to pile up, for having continued to smoke, or having laid around reading or writing or painting all day long. For just being unproductive. I don't know how to react when those that could be upset, aren't.
And so, this that I am living is a beautiful life. A new learning experience. What do you do with yourself when the thing you want most is suddenly readily available? I have always wanted a relationship with a man that would have me as his friend and partner, his equal, his love.. and here it is.. I never wanted to be defined by my relationship with such a man.. and I am encouraged to be as individual as my little heart desires. He loves my eccentricities. Very confusing. I don't have to fight him, contradict him, rebel. There is nothing to fight, contradict, or rebel against. It's Crazy.
And so here it is. My fresh start. My next lesson. I am grateful. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:54 AM  |