Thursday, July 13, 2006 |
Things I Observed Today |
Young woman walking down the street, face bruised and swollen, eye puffed closed, shoulders hunched, staggering gait. Big man following after.
A man resembling a past lover.
The striking eyes of the woman at the deli counter.
A ball shaped man with too-pink facial features.
A toddler cautiously feeding ducks near a pond.
A seagull with a red rimmed beak.
A motorcycle officer hurriedly pulling up to and parking on the walk in front of the public restrooms at the park. He practically ran inside! Only to return much relieved.
The persperation of twenty-four eggs baking in the back seat of my scorching hot car, Phoebe.
The smile of an old man when I made a present of a snickers bar.
The vericose vein on my co-workers leg.
A bump on my forearm.
The irritation in my dear friends voice when she discovered my latest text to be mostly fabrication.
The twinkle in an elderly woman's eye at my return.
The relief of air conditioning.
Smudged mascara on the man's face in the car next door.
A beautiful woman I exptected a French accent from- disappointed by her New York slang.
A handsome polynesian man on a red motorcycle.
Several greasy spots on my car.
Good looking neighbor, smoking and drinking orange tang in the shade of his trees.
The concern in my client's son's voice.
A green hummingbird.
My mother's dip and return to enthusiasm as she speaks about important then whimsical matters on the phone.
My purple pen.
My dried out cracking cuticles.
The paint chipping from my toenails.
A green blade of grass stuck in a spider's web.
The smell of chicken everywhere I go- and peppercorns.
The sudden exhaustion of an over abundant imagination. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 7:10 PM  |
Dylan Number Nine |
The day before yesterday was Dylan's Birthday. He turned nine. He woke up early, came directly to my room where I woke to find him next to my bed, asking if he could open his present from Grandma Greenburg. I hugged and kissed him, wishing him a happy birthday- and almost in the same breath- immediately apologizing because I could not afford presents or a party for him. He tried to shield his disappointment, poor baby.
Later, I ran to the grocery store for the ingredients to make a cake... leaving him in charge. When I returned, I gave him the Leatherman my boyfriend bought for his day. His eyes were huge and filled with delight, the shiny new utility tool his new best friend. I also handed him a library card I attained for him the day before. Again, he shields his disappointment.
We have a tradition, my sons and I. On the designated boy's birthday, he is given the option of helping bake and decorate the cake. Dylan nearly baked his entirely on his own this year. I almost cried. So grown up, he almost doesn't need me to do anything for him anymore.
When I made lunch, I lifted all eigty-one pounds of him onto the counter the way I did when he was little. I made him peanut butter toast, then carried him to his chair. Along the way a nearly inaudable, "Oooh." crossed his lips. So endearingly. I swallowed my tears again. It may be silly, but I already miss my son's childhood.
My mother gave him a beautiful set of scriptures with his name inscribed in gold lettering on the cover. They came in a matching case that she and my father painstakingly embroidered with his name aswell. He took them to bed with him that night, he's spent every moment of free time pouring over them.
When his father called to wish him a happy birthday, he told the man he'd gotten all he wanted for his birthday. In lieu of gifts he asked his dad to send his mom money, his brothers clothes and toys. For a moment I was outraged, and incredibly embarrassed. Then sad. Sad because my little man thinks of such things.
I will make it up. I am always making it up. Forever in debt to my children for a normal life. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 6:44 PM  |
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 |
What is it about the sound of rain? I am failing my best friend right now, she would be livid to find me on my ass in front of the computer knowing full well that its a warm summer downpour outdoors. This is our favorite kind of weather. Perfect, because the air is warm and the raindrops cool. Awe, who am I kidding? I cant sit here and type this. I owe it to my soul to have a dance in the rain. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 6:25 PM  |