Monday, July 21, 2008 |
My Moment |
 Creativity surging through my veins, like venom from an exotic creature..
It asks me to bring beauty to ordinary days.
I imagine a sculpture of perfectly fitted candy, spiraling toward the heavens.
I dream of breaking tiles with a rubber mallet, piecing the shards one with another on a bed of grout.
In this peaceful artistic state, I envision the ark of a welder, breathing behind a tinted-glass helmet.. sweat dripping into my eyes.
I pretend my hands are filled with great lumps of clay, my fingers dancing in pools of paint, my pencil shading spheres of gray, breaking or blowing glass gently and patient.
I love such media so completely I am endeared to their propriety.
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 9:07 PM  |
Sunday, July 13, 2008 |
Sunshine May-May |
"I love having you here." she smiled as she patted the last hamburger patty flat. "I love being here." I responded almost too quickly. There is an uncanny bond between my sister and I. I am not really sure where it began, but it is definitely stronger than your average sisterly bond. When we are together there is a certain buzz to the air, an energy that is light-hearted and contagious. Fun. Genuine fun. We almost never really DO anything spectacular. We just do our normal thing, our normal daily life thing. We don't interrupt the regularity of one or an other's livelihood at all. There is a natural fit, a compliment, to the presence of one or the other of us appearing out of the blue. We hardly ever plan for the coming together of our time. It just happens, and when it does, it is almost always perfect timing. This time I dropped in on her. We spent the afternoon wandering around her home town, sidewalk shopping and laughing with each other. She picked up a blue shoe at the same time I pick up a leather one of the same style. The only difference being the material they are made of. This is a normal occurrence. We both shrug and move along. She likes bold bright contrasting colors. I like more subdued, natural colors. We talk about our kids, about our future plans. She talks about her love a lot. I am okay with that, he really spoils her rotten, and she absolutely deserves it. We wander to the market. She buys eggs, sausage, ice cream, and a few other essentials. I buy allergy medication for my son. As we are heading out the door to my car, she turns the wrong direction. I call her a blond and remind her that we parked on the other side of the parking lot. "I want a drink." she says. "Okay, lets go get a fountain soda." I respond. She whines, "I want a drink RIGHT NOW!" I can't help but laugh. She sounds like an impatient ten year old. So i scold her like one. "Your man really has to stop spoiling you. You sound like a little brat!" She protests in a good natured way as she plops her money in the coin slot of the soda machine. Sometimes I miss this camaraderie. I wish we didn't live so far away. Sometimes I think it a necessary evil, we are so much alike, yet different enough that if we were right under one another all the time, we would end up being sick of each other.
So it was a nice visit. As it usually is. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:02 AM  |