Monday, April 28, 2008 |
Gentle Giant |
Being a single mother for any amount of time will jade and embitter even the sweetest of women. A certain part of her heart has to become hard and inaccessible. She becomes accustomed to fighting the battles of her children, disciplining, playing, providing for, and comforting them on her own. So it is, when a man comes into her life wanting to play the father role to her children, who have none, a difficult thing for her to swallow.
Unless of course he is a gentle giant. He brings home little things for them that he crafts with his own hands. Something she can't help but admire. Bicycles, wooden trains, game boards, huge barrels.. always peppering his kindness for her sons with a flower or small token of love and appreciation for her. He never raises his voice to them, but teaches them small necessary life lessons with a kind tongue, never scolding or threatening.. but allowing them to choose to take his advice or leave it. Their punishment is the natural consequence of their decision.. but they respond so well, usually the natural consequence is a positive thing.
His mark on their life is so great that the hardened heart of the single mother has become pliable, soft and relenting. She has come to depend on his gentle fortitude, and is grateful for the help he provides. He helps her build a life of great wonder, where her children are more independent, learning to become men in a hard and cold world. He shows her how much simpler things can be when worked at as a team. He loves her with his whole heart, and she does the same. Until eventually, she can't remember what life was like with out her gentle giant. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 3:07 PM  |