Saturday, February 16, 2008
Going for a Walk.
Walking along
concrete is a vast gray sky under my feet
occasionally met with puffy white snow.
My shoes squeak as flakes are kicked from their toes

I could go on like this forever.
Music blasting my ears,
shaking the grey matter in my skull.

Making my own pace
I wander wherever I want to go.

No concept of time,
no worries, mind comfortably blank.

I realise I'm tired. Not physically, but mentally.. exhausted.

There is one other time I feel blissful like this, when I am sleeping.

People suggest prozac. Interesting that mood altering drugs are so frowned upon
by my culture, until a doctor prescribes them.

I thank you no. I have experimented with drugs, I don't need someone with an education to tell me their benefits and pitfalls.

I am a two time divorcee with three kids and a relationship with an alcoholic, who I love very much, but know I can't fix.

I am not educated, do not have many skills to speak of, and make nine dollars an hour working for a company I hate.

My first ex-husband is a deadbeat dad that only occasionally pays his child support, so it can not be relied upon.

I am just tired.

The sun spills orange, red, gold across the horizon.
Mountains are a formidable contrast to such beauty.
I stop. I am breathless. Shaken.

Its good to feel again.
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:44 AM  
About Me

Name: katmandusuekookachoo
Home: Pleasant Grove, Utah, United States
About Me: The rules you live by and those you ignore will establish your character. You may find yourself at a loss for words, but you should never find yourself at a loss of values.
See my complete profile

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