Thursday, January 17, 2008 |
Its the principle of the matter |
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah She is shouting in my ear, no longer making any sense. 'YOUR COMPANY OWES ME FORTY NINE DOLLARS AND NINETY NINE CENTS!' I try to explain, quietly with much reserve, 'Ma'am this is abuse to my brain, not something I deserve.' I hate that I am abandoned to disdain. No tools are given me, and people don't refrain. 'YOUR AN IDIOT, YOU FOOL, TRANSFER ME TO SOMEONE ELSE, MY QUESTIONS ARE NOT ANSWERED AND SO I AM GOING TO PELT... YOU WITH INSULTS, YOU SNOT NOSED LITTLE BRAT!!!' I take a deep breath, and inwardly sigh. 'Ma'am I do apologize, I have told you all that..' 'DON'T PATRONIZE ME, I WANT YOUR SUPERVISOR...' 'I can request one to call you in 24-72 hours..?' And then the true DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM pseudo personality appears.. 'I HAVE BEEN A L-LOYAL C-C-CUSTOMER TO A-A-AT-T-T-N-N-AAAN-D-T-T-T FOR MANY YEARS!' I have made her so mad she is stuttering. She spits and she spews, colorful words she is uttering. I repeat the status of her account three times. I give my name and extension and another number to which she can call and whine. I ask if there is anything more I can do.. she says, 'I AM NOT FINISHED TALKING TO YOU!' I calmly inform that my obligation is met. I thank her for calling and hit my phone's reset. I take a deep breath, square my shoulders and sigh. That is the second person, I have made cry. Then I hit my phone's button marked ready.. and think while I speak to another angry person, 'this must make them feel heady...' Call after call I answer stock questions. I make people angry and leave poor impressions. I am ready for change, and I am only one week in. Someone please save me from this horrible din. I wish I had a dollar for every time I hear, "It's the principle of the matter, dear." I would be rich, and not needing this job. I could be the one calling shouting, 'cut me a check you filthy slob!' Instead here I sit, saying again and again.. 'yes ma'am or sir.. I DO understand.' Meh, such is life, couldn't get much worse, and then again, in the future.. I may say, 'I miss being coerced.' |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 9:56 AM  |