Monday, April 21, 2008 |
Ordinary Day |
I woke up this morning feeling blissful, so blissful I didn't want to get up. I stretched a good back-bending stretch that included everything from my fingertips to my toes. It was such a good stretch, I can not help but find myself reflecting on it through out this day, with a small appreciative smile. It was one of those sprawling stretches, that if viewed by anyone else, would end in the pair of you doubled over in a giggle that would no doubt include a few snorts and sighs.
I wander out of my room on a mission for coffee, pausing in the bathroom briefly. Along the way I glanced in on my little men, sleeping soundly in their respective beds. Dylan with his hand hanging down nearly to the floor, Jed lying straight with the blanket pulled to his neck, Ben curled in an impossible ball. I am struck with a feeling of deep gratitude..
In my head I wonder what I should wear, what I should make for dinner tonight, what I should do about my bills. I wash my face, sip my coffee, put on my makeup, get dressed, comb my long scraggly hair.. kiss my oldest two on their way out the door for school, make a lunch for the little guy, and find myself just sitting. Sitting on the edge of the bed feeling both happy and miserable all at once.
I miss my guy. I am alone and I hate it. But, I am also really happy. My life is for once in order.
So goes this ordinary day. One in a million Ordinary days. I go to work, push paper, order and pick up lunch, talk to my co-workers, and outline tomorrow's schedule. I talked to an old friend from high school. I smoked, ate lunch, drank a coke and sat feeling sort of useless. I conducted two interviews, turning one person away and inviting another to a secondary interview.
When I return to my house I know I am going to find that my children have cleaned the common areas and done their laundry. Tonight is date-night for us. We always do something on Mondays, if their chores are completed. I am going to cook dinner and we will talk about the accomplishments and enlightened moments in our days. The children will shower, we will pray together, and they will sleep. I will lie wide awake staring at the ceiling for three hours before I finally give up and read until rest finally comes.
And so ensues tomorrow.. which no doubt.. will be another Ordinary Day. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 4:15 PM  |