Sunday, September 23, 2007 |
Leave It Alone |
The boy is curious about that wood stove in the corner. His mother has told him a billion times to stay away because it's hot. He wonders why they are constantly putting wood in its great iron belly. He can't fathom why his father springs back when the shining orange bits spew from its mouth. He can't figure out the mechanism that holds the gate surrounding the giant stove together. So he waits. He does not know what hot means. He does not understand its concept. He should listen to his mother, she may yell or make him sit perfectly still on the red chair by the wall. He doesn't want that to happen. So its waiting and watching, hoping one day the gate can be conquered. His father is hauling in the wood, mother is chopping it in the yard. He moves a chair stealthily to the stove. No one knows because they are out doors. He climbs the chair, hopping off to the tiles surrounding the beast. He feels the warmth of a thousand quilts on his face. Like when he was sick and the water poured out of his hair and down his back and made his hands slippery. He sees something bright and orange licking the insides of the stove. He reaches up, wanting to open the great iron door to peer inside a little better. His chubby fingers wrap around the metal handle, a sizzling sound, a scream and pain like he has never felt in his life. Oh! His mother is there, his father too. He is lifted into the kitchen, his hand dunked in ice water. Mother is frowning, tears stream down her cheeks. Father is angry, slamming cabinet doors, stomping and shouting at mother. He is scared. He is hurting. He should have listened to his mother. He understands now why mother said not to go near the wood stove. He understands the concept of hot. He learned the hard way. He had to practice his individuality in order to fully understand. Unfortunately he will carry a scar and painful memory his whole life because of that lesson, but it won't be the last. There will be many many more. His mother and father will warn him, they will teach him, they will guide him. In the end, he has to learn the lessons he is here to learn for himself. Mother will blame herself, she will shed tears and wish she could take away his pain, his scars. Father will feel helpless and frustrated, he will kick things, shout and stomp. One thing they will never do is turn their backs and no longer love. What a lucky boy. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 1:11 PM  |