Monday, February 06, 2006 |
Driving in cars |
I went to Salt Lake yesterday to meet with representatives from different schooling programs. (falls along the lines of my career goals... Nursing... La de Dee) As I was driving along, I started to really look into the other cars on the street... Really peering into the windows at the people sharing the road with me. When I turned down State off of 27th south, there was a man sitting in a little red deathtrap completely wrapped from head to.. well... chest.. (that's as far as I could see) in bandages. I must have looked at him rather intensely because he smirked, so I waved. To the right, a beautiful brunette driving a very nice sportscar, screaming into a black razor cell phone. To the left a gentle looking elderly couple in a neon. Ahead of me there is a bumper sticker that boasts of the driver's amazing honor student. I look in the rear view mirror, really study the face of the man behind me. He has a dark goatee, a faux hawk, very dark buglike sunglasses, a white dress shirt over a tee shirt, there is something shiny dangling from the rear view mirror. He starts to sing something, tapping on his steering wheel... Wish I were in his passenger seat, would like to hear the tune. He's honking.. Oh, shootz, the light turned. I head to Sugarhouse, because that's where I go when I have time to kill in the 'big city' during daylight hours. Used to drink beer in a little tiny shack of a bar there... But, I went to the little coffeeshop on the corner where Bleu Kats used to stand. The girl at the counter was formidable and apathetic. Her hair was an incredible shade of red.. The kind that looks iridescent.. She had seven piercings in her face and sixteen visible tattoos on her chest, neck, shoulders, and forearms. When I walked up to order we greeted with a little hug and kiss on the cheek. I haven't seen her in a long time. She recently shaved her head, the dreads were too long and heavy, were giving her headaches, the iridescent red was a tribute to a friend that recently died of cancer. This is a genuine woman. Most of her 'self-mutilation' and 'body graffiti' is to commemorate some grand moment or relationship in her short twenty something years. Her formidable poise and apathetic gaze come from many years of being judged long before contact is ever made, IF it is made. She's used to people openly staring at her, making snide remarks, avoiding her like the plague. But, I love her soul, her beautiful unique soul. We talk about the weather, music, life. I love chance meetings like this one. When I leave, there is a large SUV waiting for my parking space. A tiny little blonde woman is perched in the driver's seat, looking somewhat displaced in such a giant box, her face just barely peering over the dashboard. I cant help laughing. Her windshield throws a bluish hue across her face, giving her a very defined smurfette-esq glow. She impatiently honks as I fumble for my keys. The smile fades from my face and I gesture defiantly, then take my time opening my door, putting on my seatbelt, checking and applying lipstick that wasn't previously there, made a phone call or two, all the while checking my rearview mirror to be sure she sat waiting. When she finally did lose her temper, pulling away haughtily, I calmly put my car in reverse and followed her out. She tossed her hair and glared at me in frustration when I pulled up next to her. She made me think of a really antsy chihuahua... I'm sure she would have given that SUV for a chance to bite my ankles. I know if the shoe were on the other foot, I would have. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:29 PM  |