Monday, June 08, 2009 |
Mr. Tum Tum Torillo |
 We stand at the wash basin, as we often do.
He is washing, and I am trying to prove useful by rinsing..
I turn the water on for each separate dish, then off again after I am done.
I like just standing next to him.
We have just finished off a really beautiful dinner (one of many that he prepared)
My stomach is so full I can't keep it from stretching a bit beneath my skin.
It burbles and grumbles, and I comment on it's unusual size.
He teases, calling me Miss Tuboguts.
Adopting an English accent, I respond,
"oh, I am Miss Tuboguts. I eat and eat all day, I am Miss Tuboguts, don't take my food away."
He is laughing.
I love it when he laughs.
Eyes sparkle, lips pulled back and teeth bared in an uncommon, beautiful grin.
His head tips back, his Adam's Apple jiggles up and down with each chortle.
I continue, I love the response...
"If I am Miss Tuboguts, your my Tum Tum Torillo."
He is laughing so hard he has to double over and collect his breath.
We make up a story about Miss Tuboguts and Mr. Tum Tum Torillo.
It is fun, light, joyous.
I love this about him, the way we play off each other, the way he can turn any situation of discomfort or sorrow and shine a beam of glorious light on it.
He is immensely beautiful to me.
He frowns and presses his lips together, makes a quick intake of breath, eyes brooding EVERY time he is about to make a point that he is unsure you will or will not accept.
He unerringly shares anyway.
I love that he is bold and strong and unafraid of anything.
I have never met anyone so courageous.
He is smart, handsome, and has every little quality I have ever wanted in a man.
I can't believe he chose me.
Lucky, lucky girl. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 11:25 AM  |