She did not say the word "ideally"... She did not say "perhaps" There was no inclination of "maybe" The answer was in-tact. She said the money was coming today.. She said for sure for sure. I know because I asked ten million ways... and she promised, reassured. I budgeted and planned. I made arrangements with 'the man'. I was so very proud Very proud of me. Then, I get a dose of reality. The money did not come today. "I swear" was not in play. "The girl is fairly new at this" was the answer of the day. "I expect that I won't be charged for this, and a discount of services, too. I trusted your company to do well by me.. and this is how you do? I understand human error, but asked a million ways.. and all I was given were these six words.. your check will be there Tuesday.." "I apologize, ma'am, that is all I can say. Your check will be there by Next Friday." "I hope you take it under your wing, to advise your new girl of the reality of things" "Oh, yes, of course, I certainly will.." I try very hard to keep from sounding shrill.. "You've no idea the pain this has caused, for nothing is worse than financial flaws.. I have promises made, people won't get paid, and three boys are being robbed. You can bet YOUR pay that this will be the LAST time you hear from ME. My business goes elsewhere, in fact." Authoritatively." I will educate myself next time enough, so that when spindly women that don't know there stuff, offer to help.. I can say no thank you ma'am I did it myself. I never again will fall for your scam, your quick refund crap can go in the CAN!" Then as if I had not given such an alarming address.. The man replies simply,"Do call if there's further duress." I slam the phone down, and put on my coat, I tell my boss grumpily I need to just go. I walk 'round the block, consider my options. I walk and consider many concoctions. I could lie, I could steal, I could beg, I could borrow. Or I could just wait and deal tomorrow. I enter my office, and put down my head. I lift the phone and dial instead. I call all the companies to which promises were made. I apologize profusely and explain plans were waylaid. They thank me kindly and make new arrangements. I feel really awful for my personal derangement. So I call the tax man as well, "I'm sorry I told you and your company to go to hell, I still won't do business with you next year, or the following, I fear. But, I am willing to claim my part of the mess.. and so now I am doing what I think is best. I am not doing business there again, and rest assured I won't recommend friends. It is not right to blame you for my plight. But, if the woman I conferred with had her information right, I would not be so angry tonight." Tax man broke free of his silence,"Who might I ask is this, so I can reference this non-compliance?" I give him my name. He says I have cause to complain. He agrees if it were his boat sinking, he'd do the same. And so my friends, if I mentioned to you, your bread will be buttered by my fortitude... Regress with me briefly, it was a fantasy in the making.. I am not rich, not for the taking. |