Tuesday, September 11, 2007 |
Been a bad day. |
Today was rough.
It really was.
I woke up a bit late.
Out of coffee creamer..
Not a good sign.
Drop off kids.
Forgot medication.
I broke a nail at the convenience store.
Discovered I errantly mailed my paycheck to my parents in Califonia.
Off to work.
The boss is angry.
A co-worker is late.
We need to gas our monstrous vehicles.
Make it to the movie theatre forty five miles away.
We have half an hour.
On our way.
One of the people I work with starts channel surfing the radio..
turning it up.. turning it down..
rolling down the window and screaming into the wind.
I sigh and chew gum.
Everyone wants to go to a different show.
One doesn't want to see any.
The majority go.
I, The Rogue, and a co-worker sit around for two hours playing video games, walking aimlessly and prank calling the cingular store.
Movie is over.
Out come the rest of the bunch, all but one, but we don't notice that, no we get into our perspective vehicles and drive drive away.
The Rogue starts screaming, laughing for no reason, switching the radio, rolling the window down and up and up and down.
Suddenly she is tired.
Suddenly she grows quiet.
We are back.
I drop everyone off at home.
I am back at the office, locked out.
I wait for a half an hour.
Here comes a fellow that needs help with his job.
I am at a loss.
We wait outside.
Boss shows up looking as frazzled as I am feeling.
I am cleaning compulsively.
I do that when I am stressed.
She doesn't care.
We smoke, and I am released.
I go to the local watering hole.
Its like 'Cheers'.
I come in and a man I barely know jumps out of his stool and bear hugs me like we are long lost relatives.
I laugh.
Beer never tasted better.
I talk about my husband.
About his moving away.
Its sad, so I load the juke box with quarters, pick my favorites.
Johnny Cash.
Norah Jones.
Social Distortion.
Rolling Stones.
The Doors.
Guns N Roses.
I am feeling better.
Getting loose at the mouth, though.
I leave.
My boss calls with the news of our lost person.
I want to cry.
She acts as though I should know.
Its not like forgetting to ask for fry sauce when your picking up food for someone else!
I feel horrible.
The Lost can not speak.
He can not sign.
He has no means for communication.
I am worried sick.
Pick up the kids.
To the house, where my stepkids are all waiting.
My estranged husband called twice to ask if I wanted to see them.
Of course.
I cook dinner.
Phone rings.
My boss's boss.
She wants answers.
The Lost was found and placed into custody in Salt Lake City County Jail.
The Lost's father is quite upset.
I tell her what happened on my end.
I am waiting for her to fire me.
She doesn't.
Says to go to work as per usual.
We will meet on Thursday.
Estranged husband has been here.
We eat.
We talk.
We laugh.
We fight.
'Bars are for single people and bar flies'
Wonder which one I am.
The stepkids are interrupted from their quest for grapes growing hot on the vine in the backyard.
He takes them home.
I smoke.
I blog. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 10:24 PM  |