Tuesday, September 19, 2006 |
Bells didn't ring on my Wedding Day. We were blessed with thunder. |
We started out flustered. So many things to be done, so little of ourselves to give. We both fervently wished there were two of ourselves so that our other halves could lighten the load a bit. Saving time is not his forte... who am I to talk? I can't remember the last time I was punctual.. for anything, let alone early. We eventually reached our destination after hours of trying on shoes, dress shirts, jackets, pants, accessories for the hair, can't forget jewelry, shoot we have to drive forty miles to get the kids, while we're there lets get you some shoes, oh and dont forget we have to back track three hundred miles, then back again to where we need to be! Our cozy little room was such a welcome sight. He ordered champagne in the car on our way, had it sent to our quarters. We were welcomed with homemade fudge and hand sewn bedspreads. Our room had double beds, two. His and Hers. I was looking through our goody bag of toiletries when I noticed them. Flowers. A huge bouqet. My favorite flowers. In amongst dozens of daisies, stood two very large, fresh, long stem roses. I thought, how fitting. I wonder who told him I loved this combination. I opened and read the card, as he feigned ignorance as to the origination of such lovely thoughtfulness. Mom. Dad. Wow. She used to tell me I was unique, a rose amongst the daisies.. and now I found my perfect match. We stayed up most of the night drinking champagne, eating fudge, giggling. We were so loud our neighbors beat on the wall... so we pulled the covers and sheets off his bed and made a little tent on the floor. We shared kisses, hopes, dreams, then fell asleep curled there on the floor. He's an early riser. I am absolutely not. My disposition first thing in the morning is, well, it leaves a lot to be desired. He brought me a cup of coffee, ran me a bath, then left for a morning stroll. I drank my coffee thankfully, while soaking in the tub. I dressed, threw on a smidge of makeup and met him at the door to go to breakfast. We dined by a pond full of ducks. He was particularly taken by one with a great poof of down on the top of its head. It surprised me immensely because I always assumed this man to be the type that picked uniform over individuality. Strength first. This duck had a limp, wasn't the prettiest in the pond, but he liked it. He fed it his english muffin. Afterward we browsed the gift shop. We decided it appropriate to give our friends, witnesses in this case, a little gift of appreciation. I bought her a picture frame. We bought them fudge. All of a sudden time started to go so quickly, friends showed up. Then we were in the room getting ready. The bishop appears. My folks are on speakerphone via cell. My knees are shaking. What did he just say? His hands are clammy. Her eyes are full of tears. I can't breathe. I hear my name. I'm supposed to say something here. "I d-o,oo" I squeak. Its done. Five minutes I bet. Not even that. My best friend is there, firing away with her camera. She pictures our first kiss as man and wife, our first hugs, smiles on our lips. His become a nice cherry color, the remnants of my lipstick. We have lunch in our wedding attire. Champagne and strawberries. She toasts our union. Her companion a pillar of strength for us both through it all. It started to rain. Big fat drops, the sun still shining through. How beautiful. How fitting. I sat back in my chair and let the drops wash my face, sting my bare shoulders, bring delight to my soul. We all laughed. What a beautiful wedding. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 7:45 AM  |