Wednesday, May 10, 2006 |
Beau RED |
My little man is sick. He's feverish and generally pissed off about it. Every time he gets up, to eat, pee or just bug me, he bursts into tears. This is a five year old boy that rarely cries about anything. He has a cheerful attitude about life. Its two in the afternoon and I havent done a damn thing. I'm at my boyfriends house, because its generally more comfortable than mine, and my sons and I left it a huge mess when last we visited. I told him I would clean it up, because I was so fortunate to get an impromptu day off. So here I sit at his computer, trying to think of clever things to write for you to read.
I got nothin'.
I do not have anything.
I am with out words.
If I am prized with another son I am naming him Beau Red. I know, mean. Maybe if I get a dog. I can see myself on the porch of a house with blue shutters, white picket fence and greener than green lawn... wearing a pretty little halter sundress with bright yellow flowers on, hollering out Beau RED!!!!! Here Dog!!!! Perfectly applied red lipstick, hair coifed, wedge shoes, cake baking in the oven, dinner planned and ready, a pile of crafty 'projects' laying in wait, sun tea jar reflecting against the sun... Holy hell, dilusional. I need to find a thermometer, maybe I caught what little man is fighting. Maybe I have watched one too many old sitcoms. My coffee is cold, sandwich stale. I hate being home during the daytime. You got it, I would prefer to wash, wipe, cook and clean for the old and infirm than sit on my butt all damn day... least I am busy without temptation for writing lame assed blogs like this one. |
posted by katmandusuekookachoo @ 10:45 PM  |